Pacific Power partners with local agencies to provide free weatherization services to income-qualifying homeowners and renters living in single-family homes, mobile homes or apartments. Based on the home's needs, a variety of measures can be installed, including insulation, energy-efficient showerheads, LED light bulbs and more. All of these measures are designed to lower your electric bills while keeping your home comfortable.
Please call the community agency in your area to learn more and to apply:
Benton County
Community Action Connections
(509) 545-4042 ext. 229 (LIHEAP)
(509) 545-4042 ext. 214 (weatherization)
Columbia, Garfield, Walla Walla Counties
Blue Mountain Action Council
(509) 529-4980
Yakima County – South of Union Gap
Northwest Community Action Center
(509) 865-7630
Yakima County – North of Union Gap
Opportunities Industrialization Center of Washington
(509) 452-7145 (LIHEAP)
(509) 452-2555 (weatherization)
Yakama Nation
(509) 865-5121 ext. 4532 (LIHEAP)
(509) 877-6171 ext. 1102 (weatherization) – available to Native American customers living on the Yakama Reservation
Other resources
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Earned Income Tax Credit