Blue Sky® environmental impact calculator

Please select your state
Please select a state
Choose your customer type

Oregon - Residential

More information is provided by clicking on the question mark ? icons

How would you like to support renewable energy?

Choose an option below to calculate your estimated cost and environmental benefits.

Option 1: Calculate based on a fixed amount?

I have $

Option 1: Calculate by blocks?

If I buy .

Option 2: Calculate by percentage of electricity use?

I will green  of .

Option 2: Calculate by percentage of electricity use?

I will green  of .

Option 2: Calculate by monthly electric use?

Your costs will vary depending on actual energy use


 ($2.50 per month)

Option 3: Calculate by Business Partner recognition level?

...based on Please select a value greater than 0 ?

Your purchase of 0 Blue Sky blocks per month for a year is equal to 0 kilowatt-hours.

You choose to spend $0 per month to purchase the equivalent of 0 blocks. This is equal to 0 kilowatt-hours per year.

Your purchase of 0 kWh is 0 blocks per month, or 0 kilowatt-hours per year.

Your purchase of 0 kWh is 0 blocks per month, or 0 kilowatt-hours per year.

Your purchase of 0 kWh per month for a year will match your electric use. This is estimated to about 0 kilowatt-hours per year.

To become a Business Partner, you need to purchase 0 blocks per month at a monthly cost of $0. This is equal to 0 kilowatt-hours per year.

This reduces your carbon footprint by 0 pounds of CO2

That's enough renewable energy to:

Power 0 LED lightbulbs for a year


Travel 0 miles in an electric vehicle

Will my purchase protect and restore salmon habitat in Oregon?

Participating in Blue Sky at this level will cost $0 per month, in addition to your regular monthly bill.


The block size used in this calculator is 100 kilowatt-hours. For more information about the Blue Sky Price, Terms, and Conditions visit

Your participation in the Blue Sky® program helps to reduce the carbon footprint associated with your electricity use. Carbon footprint reduction based on the difference between the 2024 Blue Sky Block & Blue Sky Usage mixes and the 2022 PacifiCorp fuel mix (PacifiCorp, 2024).

One LED light bulb consumes 11.0 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year when used for 3 hours per day (EnergySage, 2024). 

Electric vehicles use on average 32.18 kilowatt-hours per 100 miles (DOE Fuel Economy Guide [PDF], 2024).