Renewable energy support thrives in Corvallis

A local spotlight on Blue Sky business partners and community projects

Communities who come together to support renewable energy embody the mission of Blue Sky and its participants, who want to create a healthier environment. In Corvallis, Oregon, a range of businesses have joined Blue Sky, and meaningful grants for solar panels have been awarded to local organizations thanks to Blue Sky Block participants.

In this issue of Forecast, we’re highlighting two Blue Sky Luminary Business Partners that have shown their dedication to the environment by matching 100% of their electricity use with renewable energy.

  • Heading into its 50th year in business, Sunbow Farms supplies organic and locally grown fruits and vegetables year-round, providing the community with delicious and seasonal options no matter what the season.
  • Good Earth Pest Company is a second-generation, family-owned pest management company that prides itself on its environmental responsibility and integrity.

Thank you to these businesses for supporting Blue Sky and their communities! And, the goodwill in Corvallis continues with grants for renewable energy projects to various organizations making an impact. These include the Beit Am Jewish Community Center, Fire Stations 1 and 4 and the Corvallis Municipal Airport. These solar projects offer these organizations a way to save money and further realize their missions.

Since 2006, Blue Sky participants have helped fund 362 renewable energy projects that support community-based organizations such as schools, public buildings and more.