Energy project manager co-funding

An Energy Project Manager is a co-funded staff resource at your facility to develop and manage energy projects.

Establish an annual energy-savings goal and receive Energy Project Manager Co-funding proportionate to that goal (subject to caps).

Here's how co-funding works:

  1. We work with you to develop energy efficiency measures for your Comprehensive Plan.
  2. You select an Energy Project Manager.
  3. We provide a co-funding offer based on your Comprehensive Plan an schedule, and then provide you with an Energy Project Manager Co-funding offer letter.
  4. You sign the offer letter, we provide the initial co-funding payment.
  5. Energy Project Manager manages project implementation.
  6. We review the results with the Energy Project Manager and issue payment based on recorded energy savings. The customer has the obligation to refund any overpayment based on recorded energy savings.

The initial co-funding term is typically for one year and is contingent on achieving annual energy-savings goals included in the agreement between the customer and Pacific Power.

The availability of the current offer and more detail such as the co-funding agreement and current co-funding amounts (including minimums, maximums and overall availability) will be posted to this website.

Payment No. Payment Amount Milestone
1 - Optional initial payment 1/3 of funding amount* (not to exceed $25,000)
  1. We work together on a Comprehensive Plan for electric energy savings
  2. You select an Energy Project Manager
  3. You sign the Energy Project Manager offer
2 - Final payment

$0.025 per kWh of energy savings achieved, to a maximum 100 percent of the approved Energy Project Manager salary and less the initial payment

At the end of performance period as defined in the Energy Project Manager offer letter

*Funding amount is based on the lesser of (a) $0.025 per kWh or (b) the total annual cost of the Energy Project Manager (salary plus overhead).


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