Service for submetered plug-in electric vehicles

California customers with plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) chargers may choose to use submeters to measure their electricity use for billing.


California customers served under a residential or non-residential rate schedule who charge a plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) at their site. 

How it works

  • The connected PEV load is measured by an approved customer-owned or an approved third-party-owned PEV submeter (submeter load).
  • The customer chooses to separate the PEV load from the principal load at the premises for separate billing under the company’s tariffs. 

The monthly billing shall be calculated separately for the customer’s principal load and the PEV submeter load where each is billed under the applicable rate schedule. The customer’s principal load is the load from the company-owned meter less the PEV load. Once enrolled, the customer will see the monthly billing on this rate schedule starting with their next billing cycle. 

Learn more about EV submetering

How to enroll

The customer is responsible for acquiring a company approved Submeter MDMA and requesting the Submeter MDMA submit for enrollment. The Submeter Meter Data Management Agent (Submeter MDMA) is the third-party responsible for enrolling the customer under this schedule and providing monthly submeter data to the company for monthly billing.

If you’re a California customer who is interested in getting a submeter installed for EV charging on your property or are a company that would like to list your EV charger on Pacific Power’s Qualified Products List, please reach out to us at Please include “CA EVSE Submeter” in the subject line to help us with your request.