Washington Conservation & Renewables

Protecting and enhancing the environment guides our business decisions. Energy efficiency is a critical component to a sustainable future, as is building an increasingly renewable energy supply. We’re committed to finding sustainable and affordable options to meet our customers’ electricity needs. We also have achieved national recognition for our strong commitment to renewable energy.


In partnership with our Washington customers, we exceeded our conservation goals. Together, our customers saved 55,268 megawatt-hours, energy equivalent to powering more than 3,000 average Washington homes for a year through our energy efficiency programs. For additional information, view our conservation reports.

Renewable Report

Washington’s Energy Independence Act establishes a renewable energy target for qualifying electric utilities, including PacifiCorp. The requirements are 3% of retail sales by January 1, 2012 through 2015, 9% of retail sales by January 1, 2016 through 2019 and 15% of retail sales by January 1, 2020 and thereafter.

Our renewable energy goal is to procure eligible renewable resources and acquire equivalent renewable energy credits – or a combination of both – to meet the renewable energy targets each year. 

For more information on how we are meeting those targets each year, view our annual renewable reports.