Washington regulatory filings

Advice filings, applications and associated testimony and selected exhibits filed by the company and submitted to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission for approval can be found in this section. Information in this section is organized by Docket Number and/or Advice Number.

  • Advice 24-06 Residential Energy Efficiency Rider – Optional for Qualifying Low Income Customers
  • Advice 24-05 Schedule QF—Avoided Cost Purchases from Cogeneration and Small Power Purchases
  • Advice 23-06 Rule 14—General Rules and Regulations—Line Extensions
  • UE-230482 2022 Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism Direct Testimony and Exhibits, Petition to Extend the Amortization of the PCAM Surcharge, and Motion for Standard Protective Order
  • UE-152253 Compliance Filing - Schedule 93—Annual Decoupling Rate Adjustment