EV charging station & fleet planning technical assistance

Interested in installing electric vehicle chargers but not sure how? Looking to transition your fleet to electric vehicles and could use support evaluating vehicle options, charging systems, electric rates and the potential benefits of Clean Fuels Credits? We can help you evaluate your options and costs with an on-site feasibility analysis and customized technical fleet advising.

This service is offered through our partner, C2 Group, at no cost to customers. All non-residential customers in Oregon and Washington are eligible to apply for technical assistance.

Here are some example projects:

  • Workplace charging
  • Fleet operations charging
  • Multifamily properties
  • Municipal locations
  • Public fast charging
  • New construction

C2 Group will coordinate and schedule a site visit to your property to perform analysis of EVSE technology options, costs, rates, and best practices for siting, configuring, installing and management of equipment.

When complete, you will receive a customized report to help understand options to get your equipment installed and fleet vehicles selected (if applicable).

Steps and timeline

Step 1: Submit application
We will verify your eligibility and contact you via phone within 10 business days to discuss your site's EV charging needs, your fleet transition goals (as applicable) and schedule your in-person site assessment. If you manage a fleet site, please indicate as such in your application.
Step 2: Site visit We will assess and collect information about your site, including existing features and equipment, and further discuss your fleet operational needs (as applicable).
Step 3: Technical assistance report The report includes an electricity utilization assessment, equipment assessment, site design assessment, electric rate advising, preliminary site layout plan and preliminary project installation cost estimate. Fleet sites will also include advising on vehicle selection and availability, as well as a calculation of potential Clean Fuels Credits to be earned with your fleet. 

To help pay for your project, consider applying for our grant opportunities