Qualifying facilities

The Public Utilities Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) created an obligation for electric utilities to offer to purchase power from, and interconnect with, qualifying generation projects. PURPA is implemented through a set of rules established by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and each state with jurisdiction over Pacific Power. Qualifying Facilities (QFs) must meet certain criteria as specified in the FERC rules.

Avoided cost (the cost a utility avoids as a result of the QF) forms the basis for determining QF purchase pricing. In many states where the company operates, prices are established by a tariff applicable up to a certain-sized threshold and below. Each state is regulated by a public service or utility commission that has certain responsibilities for the implementation of PURPA as provided in the FERC rules. The rules and relevant orders are from each state are identified below.

Power Purchase Agreements – Standard power purchase agreements are required for some states and such agreement forms are available using the links below. For those states that do not require a standard form agreement, the QF should contact Pacific Power for the form used in that state. Questions regarding QF power purchase agreements or the company's avoided cost rates should be directed to the Qualifying Facilities contact below.

Interconnection – QFs located in Pacific Power's service area also will need to execute an interconnection agreement. QF interconnection agreements are administered by the company's transmission services function (PacifiCorp Transmission Services). Learn more about interconnect requests

The process for entering into a power purchase agreement is generally described and applicable to all QFs as shown in the standard avoided cost prices and Schedule 38.

The following links provide further information:


California Public Utilities Commission


Washington Schedule QF

Washington Non-Standard QF Term Sheet

Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission


Non Standard Avoided Cost Rates Avoided Cost Purchases From Eligible Qualifying Facilities

Standard Avoided Cost Rates Avoided Cost Purchases From Eligible Qualifying Facilities

Standard Oregon Qualifying Facility Large Generator Interconnection Procedures QF-LGIP over 20 MW

Standard Power Purchase Agreement for Qualifying Facilities up to 10 MW

Oregon Public Utility Commission

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

FERC-PURPA Qualifying Facilities

Qualifying facilities contact:
