Compressed air

Earn cash incentives for optimizing the energy efficiency of your compressed air system.

Our Wattsmart® Business program can help you realize energy savings and identify best practices for improved performance of your system.

Apply now or check your application status.

Compressed air incentives in Washington

  1. Obtain a compressed air incentive application package from us or a Wattsmart Business Vendor.
  2. Purchase and install a qualifying unit at an eligible location.
  3. Submit your incentive application with IRS Form W-9.
  4. Receive incentive check within 45 days of completion of step 3.

Compressed Air Incentives (PDF)






Receiver Capacity Addition


Limited or no receiver capacity (≤ 2 gallons per scfm of trim compressor capacity)


Total receiver capacity after addition must be > 2 gallons per scfm of trim compressor capacity


1. Compressor system size ≤ 75 hp, not counting backup compressor(s)

2. Trim compressor must use load/unload control, not inlet modulation or on/off control

3. Systems with VFD compressor or using variable displacement compressor are not eligible.

$3.75/gallon above 2 gallons per scfm

Cycling Refrigerated Dryers

Non-cycling refrigerated dryer

Cycling refrigerated dryer

1. Rated dryer capacity must be ≤ 500 scfm

2. Dryer must operate exclusively in cycling mode and cannot be equipped with the ability to select between cycling and non-cycling mode.  

3. Refrigeration compressor must cycle off during periods of reduced demand


VFD Controlled Compressor (retrofit only)

Fixed-speed compressor

≤ 75 hp VFD-controlled oil-injected screw compressor operating in system with total compressor capacity ≤ 75 hp, not counting backup compressor capacity

1. Total compressor capacity in upgraded system is ≤ 75 hp, not counting backup compressor capacity.

2. Compressor must adjust speed as primary means of capacity control

$0.28/kWh annual energy savings  

Zero Loss Condensate Drains

Timer drain

Zero loss condensate drain (See note 4)

Drain is designed to function without release of compressed air into the atmosphere. Any size system is eligible – there is no restriction on compressor size.

$125 each

Outside Air Intake

Compressor intake drawing air from compressor room

≤ 75 hp compressor where permanent ductwork between compressor air intake and outdoors

Ductwork must meet manufacturer’s specifications, which may include: (a)

≤ 0.25" W.C. pressure loss at rated flow, and (b) allow use of compressor room air during extremely cold outside air conditions



Notes for compressed air incentives:

  1. Equipment that meets or exceeds the efficiency requirements above may qualify for the listed incentive. 
  2. Except for the zero loss condensate drain measure, eligibility for incentives is limited to compressed air systems with total compressor capacity of 75 hp or less, not including backup compressor capacity that does not normally run. 
  3. Incentives are capped at 70% of energy efficiency project costs and incentives will not be available to reduce the energy efficiency project simple payback below one year. Energy savings and energy efficiency project costs are subject to Pacific Power approval.
  4. Zero loss condensate drains purchased as an integral part of another measure are eligible for the incentive shown above. 

hp = horsepower 
PPM = Parts per Million
psi = pounds per square inch
scfm = cubic feet of air per minute at standard conditions (14.5 psia, 68ºF and 0% relative humidity)
VFD = Variable Frequency Drive

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Custom incentives

Doing something that’s not on the list? Larger and more complex projects may qualify for a custom analysis. Note: Custom incentives require pre-approval.

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