Municipalities can reap savings by improving the efficiency of water and wastewater treatment facilities.
Adaptive refrigeration controls and fast acting doors can help to reduce refrigeration costs.
Our Wattsmart® Business program can partner with you to achieve significant cost savings with energy upgrades.
Equipment type | Replace | With | Customer incentive |
Adaptive refrigeration control | Conventional controls (defrost timeclock, space thermostat, evaporator fan control, if any, thermal expansion valve in some instances) | Adaptive refrigeration controller and, in some instances, electric expansion valve | $0.28/kWh annual energy savings |
Fast acting door | Manually operated door, automatic door with long cycle time, strip curtain, or entryway with no door in refrigerated/conditioned space | Fast acting door | $0.28/kWh annual energy savings |
Wastewater – low power mixer | Excess aeration capacity | Extended range circulator | $0.28/kWh annual energy savings |
Notes: Equipment that meets or exceeds the efficiency requirements above may qualify for the incentive listed above. Incentives are capped at 70% in energy efficiency project costs and incentives will not be available to reduce the energy efficiency simple payback below one year. Energy savings and energy efficiency project costs are subject to Pacific Power approval. |
Doing something that’s not on the list? Larger and more complex projects may qualify for a custom analysis. Note: Custom incentives require pre-approval.