Meter-mounted devices: A meter-mounted device (MMD) is a customer-owned extension of the meter socket installed between the meter socket and the company’s meter that allows for the connection of emergency generation, solar generation, whole-house surge suppression, etc. The MMD form included in the Customer Generation application needs to be uploaded to be considered. Review the Customer Generation MMD Process (PDF).
Specifications: Effective June 1, 2024, all new inverter-based customer generation applications are required to use UL 1741 SB certified inverters along with provided settings. These inverters meet the IEEE 1547-2018 standard for the interconnection of distributed energy resources.
Billing and tariff
Brochures and useful information
- Overview: Understanding Net Metering
- Connecting to Pacific Power's Energy System
- Key Components of a Solar Generation System
Technical resources
- Policy 138 - Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection Policy
- Effective Grounding for Customer Generation Facilities
- Frequently Asked Questions: Transient Overvoltage Management for Distributed Energy Resources
- Example Site Plan
- Example One-line Drawing
- Examples of Required Labeling
- Battery System Interconnections – Interim Technical Requirements
- Battery ESTOP and Solar Disconnect Example