Vault suppliers, please review our detailed vault requirements for underground distribution systems.
If you are a vault manufacturer, and your company wishes to become a PacifiCorp-approved vault supplier, see the detailed vault requirements defined in PacifiCorp’s Underground Material Specifications posted below, and send an email to with:
- Company name
- Contact person
- Website
- Email address
- Address
- Phone number
- Service area / locations for delivery
- Types of vaults produced
- Any attachments relevant to your product(s)
Procedure 251 - Padvault Manufacturer Approval Process
GV 001 Equipment Bases and Enclosures – General Information
ZG 301 General Equipment Base and Enclosure Requirements
ZG 311 Concrete Requirements
ZG 321 Non-concrete Requirements
ZG 501 Padvault – Single-Phase Residential, 4'x4' (48"x48")
ZG 521 Padvault – Three-Phase Transformer
ZG532 Flat pad – Three-Phase Transformer
ZG 551 Padvault – Three-Phase Fusing Cabinet
ZG 562 Padvault – 7’ x 12’ (94” x 155”), for 600-Amp, Deadfront Switchgear
ZG 616 Padvault – 4' x 6' (48" x 72")
ZG 621 Padvault – 5'x7' (56”x 84”), for Three-Phase, Sectionalizing Cabinets and Metering
ZG 622 Padvault – 7-Foot by 9-Foot (84"x108"), for Three-Phase, 15kV Padmounted Switchgear
ZG 631 Manhole – 7-Foot by 7-Foot (84”x 84”)
ZG 641 Vault – Shallow, 7-Foot by 7-Foot (84” x 84”)
ZG 701 Manhole – 7-Foot by 12-Foot (94" x 155")
ZG 711 Vault – Shallow, 7' x 12' (94" x 155")
ZG 715 Sleeve – 15, 25 and 35 kV, 600-Amp, Deadfront Switchgear, Padvault
When creating a vault, approved suppliers shall also follow local waste control and compaction regulations for the installation location.